Thursday, November 24, 2016

Random ramblings…

Sitting behind a computer all day…is that something we should do and want? I mean, ARE WE MADE FOR THIS? Not if you ask me.


Still I’m doing it, all day long. Hmmm.

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How will the IVC Filter lawsuit develop in 2017?

As you probably heard there have been a lot of problems with IVC filters (IVC stands for Inferior Vena Cava). The legal battle to combat Bard and other companies started in 2012 and over the next few years, several individual lawsuits were filed.

In 2017 we expect to see many more of these cases and possibly class action. For more info on the case and the risks of using an IVC filter, have a look at

Bard ivc filter 2017

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Monday, October 17, 2016

Google anonymously posted math equations on billboards to entice job-searchers

In 2004 Google had a problem, they needed more brainy engineers on their team. So what did they do? Instead of putting up an ad or 2 in the local newspaper they come up with a brilliant soultion. Google started a recruiting campaign that involved setting up a billboard along Highway 101 in California’s Silicon Valley.


The sign reads: {first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits of e}.com

The correct answer to the banner problem leads to a URL (The website was, but unfortunately no longer works) where there is yet another puzzle solve. Eventually, the determined problem-solver lands at a Google Web page that asks the smart, or lucky, few for a resume.

Google’s research and development department had this to say about the campaign:

“One thing we learned while building Google is that it’s easier to find what you’re looking for if it comes looking for you. What we’re looking for are the best engineers in the world. And here you are.

“As you can imagine, we get many, many resumes every day, so we developed this little process to increase the signal-to-noise ratio.”

Sources: Google Blog

Also check out: The #1 Trick That Google Uses In Salary Negotiations And What You Can Learn From It

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Friday, October 14, 2016

The #1 Trick that Google uses in salary negotations and what you can learn from it

For most people salary negotiations are like a blind date. You hope things go well, that your opposite number is attentive and that they give you something more than a polite handshake and “Let’s stay in touch” upon parting. But there’s no way to be sure.

In fact, most people who’ve been on a blind date know that one person usually winds up controlling the narrative because they’re either hot or rich or a little bit smarter and just snarky enough to take advantage of that fact.

What you want to avoid like the plague is the salary negotiation that turns into that one-sided blind date with you, of course, picking up the tab and telling yourself she forgot to take the flowers because she had a lot on her mind. Sure she did.

The First Step in Avoiding a Trap is Knowing of its Existence

google lunch foodIt’s pretty well recognized that nobody does one-sided blind dates better than Big G. The Internet is rife with those who’ve come out of salary negotiations with Google thinking they were going to get a big smooch but instead got a disingenuous half smile and “I just don’t think about you that way”.

One of Google’s favorite ways to set you up to believe you’re about to get lucky is by dangling their vaunted food benefit in front of you.

Here’s how it works:

You: “90 huh? Interesting. But not quite what I had in mind.”

Big G: “Have you heard about our food benefit big boy?”

You: “F-f-food benefit?”

At this point you feel a foot slowly run up your leg under the interview table.

Big G: “Sure. You know our food benefit alone is worth $X a month and you can be sure it’s all super-delicious, high-quality comestibles.”

You (beginning to sweat and envisioning sumptuous banquets of corporate love): “Gee. That uh, sounds pretty good. Will, uh, will you be… joining me?”

Big G: “Of course silly!”

You: “Well then, where do I sign!?

A month later your free meals are harder to find than a virgin at a disco and that HR drone who seduced you has moved on to someone new. So what happened here?

What happened is that you fell for Ye Olde Benefit Mirage. Big G dragged out something they already give away for free and stuck a value on it in order to try and give the appearance they were moving in your direction.

They weren’t of course but you were so taken off guard by their pseudo value-added proposition that you let them wrest control of the negotiation from you. (Later, they’ll slowly withdraw the “perk” because, after all, they never said they wouldn’t.)

So what’s the lesson here? Well, first of all never negotiate with someone who’s running their toes seductively up your pants leg and second, recognize the trap that’s being laid for you and politely sidestep it.

Big G: “You know our food benefit alone is worth $X a month and you can be sure it’s all super delicious, high-quality comestibles.”

You: “You know if I could pay my mortgage in arugula that might interest me.”

See how easy that is! Everyone laughs. The HR drone has new respect for your negotiating skills and no one is left holding a bouquet of dying flowers at the end of the night.


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Friday, October 7, 2016

The Pros and Cons of Job-Hopping

Does the idea of staying at the same job for ten years or more make you flinch? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

The opportunities of being in the very same job from the time you go into the workforce to the time you retire are at an all-time low. The generation presently entering the labor force is not enamored with the idea of sticking with one job for several years and doesn’t believe that it must be expected. Unfortunately, the generation that is most likely to have seniority, the Child Boomers, is less likely to concur.

Job-hopping has its positives, though. If you remain in the exact same function in the same industry, changing jobs typically can offer a sensation of freshness and development even. Even if you’re not leaving your job willingly, benefit from making a change and do what you can to make it a change for the better.

Check out the infographic below and find out what the pros and cons of job hopping really are:



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Friday, September 2, 2016

7 Powerful Questions That Will Blow Away Your Interviewer

When it comes to landing that dream job, having a well designed resume is good, but how you conduct yourself in the interview is just as crucial. Check out these 7 questions that will help blow away your interviewer:

7 Powerful Questions That Will Blow Away Your Interviewer

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Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Truth About Lying on Resumes

Trying to get a job is a daunting process, regardless of how qualified you might be. Sometimes you might be tempted to stretch the truth a little bit and it seems like you’re not alone.

According to the infographic, 46% of submitted resumes contain some measure of false information. Pretty crazy!

What do these people lie about? Well check out the infographic below for the full story!

The Truth About Lying On Resumes

From Visually.

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Monday, August 22, 2016

Your Kickass Guide To A Marketable Resume [Infographic]

When it comes to resumes, you need to try everything you can do to set yourself apart. If you have a kickass resume, you can be sure that when you apply for a job you will definitely get that second look. Here are our tips for constructing an awesome resume:


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Hopefully you now have some great ideas you can use when constructing your resume. Putting them into action could mean the difference between landing that dream job or not. Also, be sure to check out our resume templates for even more ideas!

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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The wait is over, Mac users… The resume templates you’ve been waiting for are finally available


After what has seemed like forever, Mac users have finally gotten their wish. The Resume Shoppe Microsoft Word compatible resume templates that PC users everywhere have been using for months have finally been released for the Mac.

Paul Jansen and the Resume Shoppe team are very excited to get the new templates out there into the hands of a whole new audience of resume builders, jobseekers and people looking to update their tired old resume and receive more positive responses from potential employers. Professional looking resumes can be created from a template and customized in as little as 10 minutes.

Their line of existing templates for use with PC’s have been on the market for a while and have helped thousands increase the success of their job search. Their success brought about the demand from Mac users who wanted to use them and inspired Resume Shoppe to meet their demand.

Both the PC and the new Mac versions are both fully compatible with Microsoft Word, which makes them very simple and easy to edit and modify. Each stylish template comes with 3 versions: Word for PC, Word for Mac and Pages for Mac, so you can decide which one you want to use to design with if you’re a Mac user. Their new Mac templates can be seen here:

If you are more the type that would rather let the professionals handle designing your resume, Resume Shoppe offers their own professional resume writing services as well.

Their blog contains great content about the whole process of job hunting and much more. You can read more at

There is even a handy infographic that explains the effect an amazing resume can have on your ability to find the career of your dreams and how it works, including mindblowing facts like 76% of all resumes are discarded just for having an unprofessional email address! You can get more essential stats like this and more by taking a look at

For more information on Resume Shoppe resume templates for word and to place an order, you can visit their website at

You can also learn more about the company at

— END —


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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

ResumeShoppe Address

Wondering about the address of Resumeshoppe? We’ve added our business address to:




Ok, but to only give you the address is a little boring, right? So let’s give you some entertainment with the funniest video resume ever:



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Friday, May 20, 2016

What to Include in a Cover Letter?

Your cover letter is without a doubt one of the most important documents when you are applying for a job. It is actually more important than your resume in some regards. This is because it is your cover letter and the quality of it, that will determine whether the potential employer wishes to read your resume or not. If your letter stands out then you have a good chance of the employer reading your resume and ultimately offering you an interview. If it is awful then your application is going straight into the nearest paper shredder. Despite the importance of the covering letter, there are many people out there who do not know what they should put in it. They tend to put either too much or not enough information in there. That is why I have put together this ‘guide’. On this page I want to go through each and every piece of information that should be included.

To spice up the guide, let’s first show you what a great cover letter should look like:

cover letter example

What a coincidence, that’s one of our cover letters!:)

The Purpose of Your Cover Letter

Before we begin, it is probably worth noting what the main purpose of your cover letter actually is. You have to be aware that your cover letter should not be a long document. It should not be more than a few paragraphs. The main intention of the cover letter is to showcase who you are as a person and what sort of skills you can bring to the company in question. Basically; you will be telling the employer why you are a better prospect than everybody else in that pile. Your letter allows you to sell yourself, and if you really sell yourself then you have a decent chance of the rest of your application being read.

Skills and Experience

The bulk of your cover letter will be based around the skills and experience that you can bring to the company. It is absolutely vital that you understand what the position entails. This way you can determine which skills are most relevant to the job (you will want a different cover letter for every position that you apply for). Now; you are not going to be drawing up a list of skills and experience. That is the sole domain of the resume. Instead you will want to work your skills into sentence form. You should be telling the company why they need you. Do not make the mistake that most people make in their cover letters and tell the company why you need them. They don’t care. Companies exist to make money. They don’t care if this is your dream job. They don’t care if you are going to be using them as a stepping stone to climb up the career ladder. They want to know that you are going to make them money. If you have the ability to make them more money than the other guys in the pile then they are going to be hiring you. This is why it is really important to sell yourself. The following tips will go a long way towards doing that:

  • You really need to go through the job requirements. You will then wish to match up each individual job requirement to any experience or skills that you possess. Tell the employer why you can meet those job requirements and more importantly why you are the best fit for that company.
  • You should be using at least two examples from your past experience that will demonstrate to the employer that you are a good fit. Statistics are absolutely great here (“I boosted sales by 25% through the implementation of a social media marketing strategy”). Companies love figures.
  • Show your knowledge of the company that you are applying for and the industry as a whole. If you can demonstrate that you have knowledge of the company then you will be showing that you really want that job without actually saying that you want it.

Why Do You Want the Job?

As I said previously; your main focus for the cover letter should not be why you want the position. Companies really do not care. However you should include a couple of lines about why the position in question interests you e.g. “After working in a small company for a couple of years I am ready to move up the ladder and tackle a position in a company that is as prestigious as yours” or “I have always been enthralled by the management philosophy that your company has in place and I feel that I would work incredibly well under those conditions”

The Style of Your Cover Letter

I always suggest using a cover letter template when producing your cover letter. This is because many of the cover letters out there have been designed to ‘stand out’ from the crowd. This means that you have a much better chance of being read. In addition to this; cover letter templates tend to be laid out in such a way that ensures that you include all relevant information.

  • Your cover letter should be one page long at the most.
  • It should be addressed directly to the person dealing with recruitment. If you do not know who is dealing with recruitment then you should get in touch with the company and ask.
  • Start with one sentence about how you discovered the job vacancy.
  • End up stating that you are able to be interviewed and that you are free to talk if the recruiter needs any information.

You should always use a friendly, and yet professional, tone when producing your cover letter. Try to be assertive when talking about the qualities you have. Your letter should be short and to the point. Do not add unnecessary words. The language should be simple for ‘ease of reading’. You should also use positive phrases only “I can” etc.

Remember; creating a cover letter is difficult. It is not supposed to be easy. If you can get it right though I can guarantee that you will receive a lot more offers of an interview.


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Sunday, March 27, 2016

3 Perfect resume templates for Word 2016

At the moment there is a bundle deal going on for 3 top-selling resume templates for the price of 1. Each one of these resumes will get you in good standing with any recruiter or employer that goes for creativity and style.

Here is a link to the template deal:

Resume templates Word_2016

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