Wednesday, December 20, 2017

How to Create a Resume in Apple Pages [Mac]

how to create a resume in apple pages mac

This post is dedicated to Mac users who wants to make their own resume with Apple’s word processing software – Pages.

Rather take a professionally crafted template? Click here and get your template for under $10.

Difficulty Level: Beginner
Requirements: Any Mac operating system with Apple Pages installed

Before we begin, we would like you to know that this tutorial is made on a Macbook Pro running Mac OS X El Capitan (version 10.11.6), with the assistance of Apple Pages (version 5.0.1). If you are using the latest Mac OS – High Sierra, there would be slight difference in terms of user interface, but in general most features in Pages would work the same way.

Step 1: Launch Pages from Applications

Open the Apple Pages app located in your Applications folder. You will be greeted with the following window. If you don’t see this window, go to your top menu bar and select File > New… (or use the shortcut Cmd+N).

choose a template in apple pages

At the left sidebar, navigate to the Stationery tab, scroll down to the Resume section at the main column, then pick a resume template that you like. We selected the Modern Resume template for this guide.

modern resume template in apple pages

Step 2: Replace the Resume with Your Details

By default, the Pages template is pre-populated with dummy info. Go ahead and replace all the dummy details with your own information. If you need help with your resume’s content, check out the resume writing service offered by our professional resume writers.

For starters, you can remove categories you don’t need by selecting it and hit on the Delete key. To add more categories such as Awards (or Accomplishments), the best way is to copy and paste from another category to retain its formatting.

One downside to this template is that it lists out your work experience as a chunk of long-winding paragraphs. Ideally you would want to avoid doing this as recruiters can be put off by it.

long paragraph in resume

If you had an extensive job scope for your previous job, split them up using bullet points. To add bullet points in Pages, go to the Bullets & Lists feature located at the right sidebar, then click on the dropdown option next to it and select Bullet.

how to add bullet point in apple pages

You can also adjust the spacing between lines and paragraphs by changing the values here:

how to adjust spacing between line and paragraph in apple pages

Here’s how our sample resume looks like after replacing the contents with that of a fictional person:

modern resume template in Apple Pages

Step 3 (optional): Change fonts and colors to match your style

This modern resume template from Apple Pages uses Avenir Next as the default font. If you are feeling adventurous, you could also play around with different font styles.

We switched up the Headings and Subheadings with a serif font – Baskerville. We also removed the squares next to the name as it do not add any real value to the resume.

Here’s how our final sample resume looks in Pages:

modern resume design mac pages

Step 4: Save and Export Resume

Done? Double check your resume for spelling and grammatical errors. Pro tip: read your resume out loud to spot obvious mistakes such as the misuse of “then” or “than”, “your” or “you’re” etc.

If everything is correct, click on Command+S (shortcut for Save) on your keyboard to save your Pages file or go to File > Save… .

save Pages file on mac

Since you might be using this resume to apply for jobs (we hope), go to top menu again and select File > Export to > PDF… in order to export the Pages file as PDF.

how to export pages file as pdf on mac

In the pop-up window, you can choose to have Good, Better, or Best image quality for your PDF export. We always go with the Best option so that the PDF looks good on print too.

pdf export with best image quality


Congratulations! You are all set to deliver your homemade PDF resume to interviewers and hiring managers. We hope that you learned how to make your first resume on Mac using Apple Pages after reading this tutorial.

Looking for a one-of-a-kind resume template that can be edited in Apple Pages on your Mac? Below you’ll see one of our Pages templates..we have many more in our shop!

black and white minimal resume template

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Monday, August 7, 2017

Download a Free Infographic Resume! [No Strings Attached]

free download infographic resume for designer

Just starting out as a fresh graduate with a design background? Check out this free turquoise-themed infographic resume that you can use to showcase your creativity to hiring managers and land your dream design career. What’s more? The free resume comes in .Ai format so you can tweak it as you please before sending it out to interviewers.

This infographic resume has a side column for your personal info, especially useful if you’d like to promote your online portfolio. To add a touch of your own personality, you can include a picture of yourself or go above and beyond by designing your own avatar.

Use the Creative Tools section to show your skills with design softwares. It is populated with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Lightroom by default. You can always add or remove the layers in Illustrator.

If you are aiming for multinational companies, being multilingual might help you fare better against the other applicants. In that case, list out the languages that you know well under the Language Skills section.

There’s a lot of designers out there but what makes each of them different is their field of designs. If you know the areas of design that you are great at (e.g. logo design, icon design, print design etc.), simply lay them all out under the Design Fields category and adjust the shapes according to your capabilities with the different fields.

Finally, describe your education background and your interests so that employers would be intrigued to invite you for an interview.

How to Download this Cool Infographic Resume Template?

It couldn’t be more simple. Just click the download link below ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓


Free Download Infographic Resume

Don’t know how to work with Photoshop or Illustrator? Then take a look at our resume templates for Word. These are so simple to edit… even your grandma could use them. 🙂

Have some designer friends? Share this page with them via the buttons ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

How to Use LinkedIn to Find a Job in 2017 [7 Shortcuts]

In the days of yore, long before we used Linkedin to find a job, you typed out a tidy little one page resume full of bold, largely unverifiable claims about your education, skillset and business acumen, dropped it off at XYZ corps’ personnel department and waited by your big black rotary phone for someone to call you back.

When they did you went in and lied through your teeth about your experience…

“Yes Sir. Ambassador to Margaritaville – 1977 to 1981.”

What you could do…

“That’s right. 223 words per minute. But I’m afraid I sprained my pinky yesterday so for the moment I’m limited to 17 words per minute. Quality words though!”

And why you’re currently unemployed…

“The CEO and I differed on which direction to take the company.”
“But it says here you were ‘Janitor’.”
“No, heavens no! That’s a French word; “zhah-nah-tour”. Roughly translated to English it means ‘VP in charge of Everything’. Swear to God.”

Guy with chaos at workIf you were lucky and your interviewer was sleep deprived or had at least slept through French class you may have secured the coveted “Welcome aboard” handshake before your cup of skanky complimentary coffee got cold(er than it was when they served it to you).

Today, however, we live in a new world where technological miracles have linked the entire human race together in a digital web of unimaginable size and complexity.

A job searcher today literally has the entire planet at their fingertips as do companies looking to fill vacancies.

So scamming your way to the top is no longer the option it was years ago (unless of course you’re a politician).

Problem is, having too many job openings available or too many respondents can actually bog the process down.

What you need is a job search platform that’s more than just a glorified collection of dead ends. In other words you need LinkedIn job search.

A Few Tips on Using LinkedIn to Find a Job in 2017

If you’re like most people you’ve kissed a lot of frogs in your search for the Prince of Jobs. The good news is that those days are over. The bad news (although admittedly it’s not that bad) is that you’ll still have to do a bit of work to get what you want.

However, because you can be sure LinkedIn is going to filter out the amphibians any time spent learning how to use LinkedIn to find a job in 2017 is likely to be well spent.

1) Filters are Good for More Than Making Coffee

When searching for jobs on LinkedIn you’re able to filter for industry, job title, location, experience level, salary, whether the company uses free-trade coffee in the break room and much, much more.

Okay, so you won’t be able to find out whether they offer free-trade coffee but there’s no need to get upset about it.

So anyway, right off the bat you know you’re going to get search results that mean something. Knowing that you can then use to the rest of our tips to optimize your search in a way that returns the greatest number of open, relevant positions.

2) Update Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is the window you allow the outside world to look through in order to get a picture of who you are. Does that have some creepy, voyeuristic implications? You bet it does. But as McAuley said to Hanna in “Heat”: “It’s either that or we both better find something else to do.”

If what the HR voyeurs see is old furniture, an out of date calendar and dirty dishes in the sink they’re not coming back for a second look.

You want the part of your life you make public to reflect good taste, thoughtful decision making and potential. Lots of potential.

Update your profile before you do anything else.

3) Install the LinkedIn Jobs app:

While it may not be the greatest thing since sliced bread like the good folks at LinkedIn would have you believe (that honor clearly goes to “buy 1 get 1 free” pizza) the LinkedIn jobs app can still save you time and trouble.

You’re able to save searches and set up new listing alerts so you can be among the first 11,528 people who apply when a job comes online.People working with their hands

No, seriously; let’s say you’re looking for a graphic designer position in Jersey City (Did I just mention Jersey City in an article?).

If you save that search on the LinkedIn app and then set up a corresponding alert your phone will have a little hissy fit whenever someone in Jersey City(!) lists a graphic designer position.

You’ll have more time to dedicate to your milk bottle collection while you wait for the perfect job to make its way down the digital turnpike.

4) Keyword, Keywords, Keywords

It may be money that makes the world as a whole go round but when we’re talking about anything search-related it’s keywords that have that distinction.

Without relevant keywords to aid in your search you’re going to be sifting through lots of jobs that may be perfectly suitable for your cousin Earl as he transitions from the halfway house to the real world but won’t have anything to do with what you’re looking for.

Be specific and be flexible: graphic designer, graphic design, design work, print design and so on and so on. You’ll save yourself a boatload of headaches and won’t ever find yourself sitting opposite cousin Earl in any interview waiting rooms.

5) Don’t Forget all Those LinkedIn Connections in 2017

You have lots of LinkedIn friends, right? Right? Okay. So if they’re really your friends they won’t mind you sifting through their profiles to find out what type of work they do and for who.

You’d be amazed at how a little trick like this can generate envy that burns with the heat of a thousand suns.

Or, conversely, informs your job search and sends you off down paths that may unexpectedly take you exactly where you want to go.

Just a tip: try to keep the white hot envy in check when you see how much better others are doing than you. It won’t really help your job search, even if it could possibly result in a viral YouTube video somewhere down the line.

6) Take Advantage of the Scores of Companies Using LinkedIn

One way to find out if the company you’d like to work for is hiring is to visit their LinkedIn page. There are tons of businesses these days that are using LinkedIn as a major resource for talent identification so if you’re trying to learn how to use LinkedIn to find a job, there you go.

Always dreamed of working for Oracle? As of this writing they’re listing more than 500 jobs on their LinkedIn page. How about Apple? Ever heard of them? They have nearly 2,000 jobs listed on LinkedIn.

On the right sidebar of each company page there is also a list of similar companies so if one doesn’t have what you’re looking for just try another.

If you’re a business owner there are also things like LinkedIn Small Business resources that make it really easy to post job listings and attract the kind of talent you’re after. So what are you waiting for? Take a break from procrastinating and get busy already!

7) Accountability

We need to say a few words about accountability before we bring proceedings to a close here. It’s true that in the golden days of yesteryear the Personnel Manager had to take your word on a lot of things.

Unfortunately for those naturally inclined toward, let’s call it “embellishment”, those days have slipped into golden memory.

Today, the same technology that allows you to search job databases in other countries at the touch of your screen also allows HR drones to scour countless other databases to see if your claims stand up. And this is true whether you’re using LinkedIn as your primary job search utility or something else. So play it straight and you’ll avoid a lot of downstream headaches.

The Brave New World Needs You

Picture of guy in a business suitThe job market is not what it was in the days when Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore were wooing each other over jello shots.

For better or worse the world has moved on and those who refuse to move on with it are those who might as well shutter their ambitions, marry their cousin and run weekly car washes to pay the bills.

If you’re serious about finding the right job instead of just a job LinkedIn jobs listings and the other tools and tips listed above will help you reach the promised land. The brave new world has arrived and it’s as scary as it is exciting.

Embrace the challenge by making sure you find the job that best suits your skills and temperament. Do that by putting LinkedIn job search to work for you.


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