Thursday, June 14, 2018

Free Acting Resume Template Download [.docx]

Completed an acting gig? Looking for your first casting call? Let us help you place your best act in front of your interviewers with the Leigh Michaels Resume Template. Best of all, it is free!

How to Download this Acting Resume Template?

Just click the download link below and you are on your way ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

Free Download Acting Resume

You will receive a .zip file that contains the acting CV template in A4 size, along with its PDF version to show you how it looks like. Be sure to install the fonts located in the “Fonts” folder first, before you open the Word document. Otherwise your Word document might not look like its PDF equivalent.

Unlike any other acting CVs out in the market, this template is specifically designed to highlight everything about an actor or actress. There is an “About Me” section, where you can tell a potential employer everything they need to know about you, such as your age, location, height, weight, eyes color, hair length, hair color, and more.

A second page is included to show your past experiences, education & training, languages, additional skills – if any. To give future employers a better look, pictures of yourself could also be included in the acting resume template.

Here’s how to insert your own picture in the template:

Replacing Your Photos in the Word Template

First of all, make sure that you have all the fonts installed before you open the document in Microsoft Word or Word for Mac. Then, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the picture that you want to replace
  2. Go to the “Format” tab
  3. Click on the little arrow next to “Fill” and select “Fill Effects…”
  4. Add your picture at the “Picture” tab and click on OK

That’s how easy it is to add your own pictures in the resume template.

You could further customized the template such as changing the colors of the fonts and backgrounds to suit your preferences.

We hope this free actor/actress resume template helps you in your acting career.

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Thursday, March 1, 2018

Why This Resume Got 5 out of 15 Callbacks [Resume Teardown]

togn bolo resume review

Most resumes today are either too traditional or overly artistic. Like it or not, unless you are seeking for employment in a more “serious” industry (e.g. law, banking…), applying for jobs with a traditional resume is no longer going to cut it. We came across this resume template on Reddit and absolutely love it for its minimal form factor. Besides, this CV also scored the applicant, Togn Bolo, a whopping 5 out of 15 callbacks and a 50% salary increase! Let’s see how you could emulate Togn’s success for your own resume template:


1. Clean Resume Design

Togn found a sweet spot in between the two and brought this aesthetically-pleasing functional resume to life. A clean resume design like Togn’s uses only a single font family with multiple weights, along with plenty of whitespaces to provide visual breathing room for the eye.


Noticed how there are no images used in the resume? Unless otherwise specified by the employer, you don’t have to waste your resume’s real estate by including a picture of yourself. It’s pointless, really, as interviewers would still check out your online profile, which brings us to point 2 below.


2. Contact Details and Links to Professional Profile

You probably already have your contact details such as phone and email on your CV. Since this is the 21st century, take the cue from Togn and include links to your professional social media profile on your resume.


We emphasized on the word “professional” because you really shouldn’t include links to every single social media network you’re on (unless you’re applying to be a brand ambassador or influencer). You can’t go wrong with a professional LinkedIn profile that works hand-in-hand with your resume. Bonus points if you have past employers’ or colleagues’ recommendations on your LinkedIn profile!


Though we said not to include links to other profiles, chances are employers would still look you up on Google. Now is the time to own your digital footprint and start spring cleaning your social media profiles from vulgarities or silly remarks that would land your CV in the rejected pile.


3. Work Experiences Come First

Unless you are a fresh graduate, your professional experiences always come first. The best way to present your past working experience is to follow a reverse chronological order. Start with your latest career at the top, down to the oldest one at the bottom.


If you have completed any projects or voluntary work, you should definitely list them after your experiences. Don’t have anything else to add? Try with a skills section to highlight your skills. Or a language section if you are multilingual.


4. Optimized Content for Readers

Put yourself in your readers, in this case, interviewers’ shoes. No one likes to read dense block of texts going on and on. Cut out unnecessary words and split them with bullet points. For instance, you could see that Togn has only 3-4 bullet points for each of his past experience.


Numbers also bring more meaning to texts. If you have done something extraordinary in your previous jobs, for instance increasing upsells by $2.9 million per year, you should absolutely list it on your CV.


Next, do not use any pronouns such as “I”, “he”, or “she” on your resume. You can see that Togn didn’t used any and goes straight into the action.


5. Optimized Content for Bots

Putting the readers aside, you should also optimize your content for the bots, and by bots we meant the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) that hiring managers used to scan the numerous resumes they received on a daily basis.


Basically what an ATS does is it scans your resume for keywords that relate to the position you are applying to. Hence, the no-brainer way to score on ATS is to read the job description carefully for keywords used, and then implement those keywords into your CV.


So keep these 5 things in mind when you are building your resume template. If you already did, let us know if it helped you score an interview or even nailed you your dream job at the comment section below!

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Thursday, February 15, 2018

10 Genius Answers to Interview Questions – and 3 Not so Genius

Are you about to take an interview for a job but you’re worried about impressing your potential employee?

Coming across well in an interview is difficult, especially as there are probably loads of other people applying for the same job.

You can do as much preparation as possible, but when it’s just you and them in the room, you have to make sure you bring you’re A game.

There was a recent post on Reddit that asked hiring managers about times when candidates managed to answer a certain question fantastically. Here are 10 of these picked out to hopefully give you some inspiration on the big day…

I could Google it 

Google It

One guy was very well qualified and answered all the questions right. He drew a blank on one of the further questions but followed up with ‘I could google it easily’.

So I jokingly asked ‘what if you were unable to google it?’ And he answered ‘If this job is somewhere where I can’t access google I don’t want it’.

I want to make a lot of money


Why do you want to work here?

“I want to make a lot of money, and this company seems like the best place where I can make that money”.

Honesty is the best policy

What interested you in this position?

“Well, you’ll have to excuse my French, but in my past I f****d up. I f****d  up a lot, and it f****d  up my life. And if I can help someone stop themselves before they f**k their own shit up, then I’ll have made a difference.”

I can do anything. I grew up on a farm!


Was interviewing a young woman for an admin assistant position in an electronics R & D lab. Asked what she could do. She very casually replied, “I can do anything. I grew up on a farm.”

Apply in crayon


A guy turned in an application written in red crayon on a piece of cardboard. On the piece of cardboard was his name, number, experience in the field and the declaration that he isn’t an a**hole

I called him and we arranged an interview for the following week, and he was a very professional and genuine candidate. Unfortunately I was unable to hire him but when I asked him about the cardboard application he responded “it got me this interview, didn’t it?”.

Greatest weakness?

“What is your greatest weakness?”

“This question.”

I’ve been married three times


Interviewing for a sales position and we always ask the question, “how do you react to rejection?” To which he replied, “well I’ve been married three times, so what do you think?” He was hired on the spot.

I wanna work with that guy!

I was hiring a second videographer. We were doing an interview that included my current employee. I  asked the candidate to describe his ideal co-worker. He pointed at our videographer and said “that guy.”

He was hired.

I’m the only candidate that didn’t lie

I’m not exactly answering your question, but my entire career is based on the fact that I was the only candidate that didn’t lie about it. This particular piece of software hadn’t been built yet. Everyone except the candidate said yes.

I always give 110%

A candidate poured boiling water in a cup to make tea, but poured in too much, which in turn spilt the water all over the desk. Despite his shock at the situation, he then calmly said “Don’t worry, I always give 110%.”

Leave out the salary talk..for now

When I asked a candidate the dreaded salary question. His response was.

“I’d like to leave that out at this point. Let’s see if I’m a good fit for the position and that the position is a good fit for me. If we both agree, then we can talk about salary.

Hopefully there should be enough quality in here that you can take into your interview. Funnily enough, there’s another thread on Reddit that asks the opposite – so here are 3 not so genius answered that pretty much disqualified candidates from having a chance of getting the job.

My mother forced me to be here

After very vague and empty answers to the standard questions, the candidate was clearly not making any effort at all. I asked him, “Do you really want to work here?” He looked me in the eye and said, “No. My mother forced me to put in all these applications and answered the phone when you called so I had to come in.”

Anti-Semitic candidate

“Why did you move from Florida to Texas?”

“There were too many Jews in Florida”

This sounds like a chill job for the summer

I sat in on an interview. This is a career type position with a huge company.

Everything goes well until the candidate is asked the final question “If you’re successful in your interview today, where do you see yourself with us in five years?”

“Oh no, I think this just sounds like a chill job for the summer”.

Some people don’t help themselves…


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